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  • rachaelthatcher

This week in Pre-School 20.2.23

Updated: Apr 13, 2023

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term break 😊

This week we begin our new book focus, The Little Red Hen. We will use this story to introduce this half term’s Character Education focus, Expression. As we read the story, we will encourage the children to think about how The Little Red Hen showed confidence when expressing herself in an honest and insightful way that reflected her values. Our key questions over the next few weeks will be: Was The Little Red Hen honest about her feelings? Was The Little Red Hen confident to say how she felt? Would you have acted in the same way as The Little Red Hen? The story will also be used to enhance our learning environment with activities such as painting, farm small world activities and Little Red Hen role play.

In phonics this week we will be focussing on rhythm and rhyme. Children will be shown how to to break words into parts, for example by clapping the syllables in their name. We will sing lots of nursery rhymes such as, Row, Row Your Boat and Incy, Wincy Spider and will also practise adding words to rhyming strings such as cat, bat, hat... Below is a link to an interactive rhyming game that your child may enjoy playing with you at home.

In Maths this week we will be exploring the number 4. We will be looking at how to form the numeral as well as exploring what 4 looks like as an amount using objects such as 4 cars, 4 bricks, 4 chairs etc. We will show and discuss with the children how 4 can be set out in different ways, for example in a straight line, a square or by grouping objects as 2 and 2 or 3 and 1. We will also be encouraging the children to make their own patterns of 4 with objects and through mark making with paint, pencils, chalk and pens.

In Makaton this week, we will learn animals connected to our focus book. We will practise signing them and extend this over the next couple weeks to learn phrases from the story, The little Red Hen. Please follow the link below to a signed version of The Little Red Hen told by Mr Tumble.

If your child would like to show and tell their friends about their half term fun, please add an observation onto Tapestry. We all enjoy hearing about what our friends have been getting up to outside of Pre-School. As always, please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns.

The Pre-School Team

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